Expiration & Storage Tips
When does monk fruit sweetener expire?
Monk fruit sweetener, when unopened, can be stored safely for up to two years without losing its potency or flavor. Once the package has been opened however, it's best if used within six months, but can still be safe to consume for up to a year if kept in a cool, dry storage area. It's not typically frozen, but if done, could last up to 5 years without any noticeable degradation in quality.
How do you tell if monk fruit sweetener is bad?
If your monk fruit sweetener clumps together or changes color, it might be a sign of moisture, which can lead to the sweetener spoiling. In a more obvious case, if you notice any mold or an odd smell, then it's definitely time to throw it out. However, monk fruit sweetener is pretty resilient stuff and the chance of it going bad under proper storage conditions is very slim.
Tips for storing monk fruit sweetener to extend shelf life
• Store in a cool, dry, and dark place.
• After opening, ensure the container is tightly sealed before storing to prevent moisture penetration.
• Use a clean, dry spoon to measure out the sweetener. Any moisture in the container could reduce the shelf life.
• Consider storing in smaller quantities around your kitchen for handy use and keep the bulk of it safely tucked away.