Celery Seed

Celery seed is a small, flavorful spice derived from the dried fruit of the Apium graveolens plant, a relative of the common celery vegetable. These tiny, brown seeds boast a strong earthy aroma and a slightly bitter, yet warm, taste reminiscent of celery stalks. Celery seed is widely used in various culinary applications, including pickling, soup-making, and as an ingredient in spice blends. Apart from their culinary usage, celery seeds have been recognized for their potential health benefits, such as improving digestion and reducing inflammation. They are also a source of essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron. Adding celery seed to recipes can enhance flavor profiles and contribute to a well-rounded, nutritious diet.
CAL / 100G
celery seed
Celery Seed FAQ
Cooking with celery seed can sometimes be a tricky affair due to its potent flavor. It's quite common to overpower a dish with this spice if not used sparingly. You also need to remember that celery seed doesn’t have the same taste as fresh celery. It can taste somewhat bitter and more intense, hence the need to use it carefully. Adding it too early in the cooking process can kill its flavor while adding it too late might make it stand out too much. Get the most out of celery seed by using it in stews, soups, pickling, coleslaw, or salad dressings where its bold flavors can truly shine. Always remember that a little goes a long way, so start with small amounts and adjust accordingly. The general tip with celery seed is to grind it just before use, to maximize its aroma and flavor. Pre-ground celery seed, while convenient, can lose flavor and potency quickly. And if you find yourself out of celery seed, you can use celery salt as a close substitute, just remember to reduce the amount of any added salt in the recipe.
Is celery seed used in pickling?
What can I use celery seed for in cooking?
Does celery seed taste like celery?
Can I use celery seed as a substitute for fresh celery?
Do I need to grind celery seed before using it?
Is celery seed healthy?
What can I substitute for celery seed in a recipe?
When should I add celery seed to my dish?
Can I use celery seed in salads?
Is celery seed the same as celery salt?
Expiration & Storage Tips
When does celery seed expire?
Celery seeds, like most other spices, can last up to three to four years when kept unopened and stored properly. However, their potency begins to wane after the first year. Once opened, a jar of celery seed is at its best for about one to two years. After this period, the seeds don’t necessarily spoil, but they gradually lose their intensity and aroma. If you've ground the celery seeds, they will retain their peak flavor for about six months. Freezing is usually not necessary for celery seeds as long as they are stored in a cool, dark and dry place.
How do you tell if celery seed is bad?
One of the easiest ways to tell if celery seeds have gone bad is to simply check their smell and taste. Fresh and good-quality celery seeds have a robust and earthy aroma that's reminiscent of celery stalks. If the seeds are odorless or their aroma is significantly faint, it indicates that they might have lost their flavor. Similarly, if the seeds taste weak or bland, they're probably past their prime. It's also important to look for signs of moisture or mold in the jar, which may indicate spoilage. However, this rarely happens unless the seeds have been exposed to humidity or water.
Tips for storing celery seed to extend shelf life
• Store celery seeds in an air-tight glass jar to keep them fresh for a longer period. • Keep the jar in a cool, dark location like a pantry or a cabinet away from sunlight and hot appliances. • Do not use wet spoons or introduce any moisture in the seed jar as it can promote mold growth. • It’s best to buy whole celery seeds and grind them as needed. Ground seeds lose flavor faster. • If you have more celery seeds than you can use within a couple of years, consider sharing them with friends or family or using them in larger-batch recipes.
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