Great Value Neufchï¿1⁄2tel Cheese is a delicious natural spread with less fat than regular cream cheese. Our Neufchï¿1⁄2tel cheese has no added artificial preservatives or flavors, so you can have a satisfying snack you won't feel guilty about. It is also made from milk produced on US dairy farms. Use this cheese to whip up some easy creamed spinach or savory smoked salmon dip, slow cook a zesty chicken buffalo dip, or create a creamy and irresistible pasta sauce. Keep this gluten-free cheese refrigerated...
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Great Value Neufch�tel Cheese, 8 oz 33% less fat than cream cheese Kosher and gluten-free 8oz package 70 calories per serving 0 grams trans fat per serving No artificial preservatives or flavors Keep Refrigerated