pkeggtrade; is an FDA-registered fertility tracker that senses cervical fluid mdash; the key indicator to predict a fertile window and when a woman is most likely to conceive.nbsp;/p
pBy using advanced sensing technology known as impedance (tracks the electrolytes levels of cervical fluid), kegg can help detect the peak fertility and allows to plan ahead with confidence.nbsp;/p
pkegg fits seamlessly into daily routine, and there is no need to wear it overnight. Following a daily reading ndash; which takes only 2 minutes to complete ndash; kegg will send data to the cloud for analysis.nbsp;/p
pIn real-time, the device connects to a free mobile app that displays daily fertility status, cyclical trends, and fertility predictions. Fertility predictions are unique to each woman. With consistent use once a day, users will gain personalized insights into their own fertility pattern.nbsp;/p
pAs a bonus, kegg can be used in conjunction with the Kegel feature to exercise pelvic floor muscles before the reading starts. Doing Kegels before taking a fertility reading can also increase lubrication and circulation for easier data collection./p
pTake your health to the next level with Pregnancy amp; Fertility Kits products./p