pDaysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle./p
pEvery morning, upon waking, you measure your basal body temperature under your tongue for just 30 - 60 seconds and enternbsp;menstruation if necessary. Daysy immediately analyzes your cycle data and shows you if you are in your fertile window or not./p
pDaysy shows you your fertility status as either a red or a green light. This way, you always know when you are in your fertile window andnbsp;when you are not. This technology-based temperature method, used by Daysy, is one of the most reliable methods in the world fornbsp;fertility tracking./p
pThe DaysyView app makes Daysy compatible with smartphones and thus offers new options for digitally expandingnbsp;your knowledge of your unique menstrual cycle and body. DaysyView also gives you the ability to share yournbsp;information with your partner, doctor, or our expert team./p
pIn addition to displaying your individual cycle calendar and temperature curve, DaysyView shows you a range ofnbsp;statistics about your menstrual cycle. You will see a prognosis for your fertility status over the coming weeks so younbsp;can plan ahead.nbsp;/p
pMake your wellness rewards work harder for you with eligible Family Planning products./p