iFertracker Smart Fertility Tracker

Ifertracker Smart Fertility Tracker

iFertracker is a wearable fertility tracker that helps women track their cycle more accurately and conveniently than ever. The iFertracker app and device take the age-old method of Basal Body Temperature tracking into the 21st century by gathering continuous core temperature while you sleep.
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Product Info
pspaniFertracker is a wearable fertility tracker that helps women track their cycle more accurately and conveniently than ever. The iFertracker app and device take the age-old method of Basal Body Temperature tracking into the 21st century by gatheringnbsp;strongcontinuous/strongnbsp;strongcore temperature/strongnbsp;while you sleep. Each morning when you wake up, you simply upload the previous nightrsquo;s data via Bluetooth and our algorithm filters out events that have a thermal impact on your BBT./span/p pspanFor women struggling with conception or simply looking for a better way to keep track of their cycle, accuracy is of the utmost importance. iFertracker addresses this challenge head-on and provides you with a comprehensive fertility chart that notifies you of your fertile window and ovulation day in advance./span/p pspanThe idea was not to reinvent the wheel with iFertracker, but rather make some design changes to a historically proven method that had flaws with regards to data collection and visualization. Traditional methods of BBT tracking do not gather your actual Basal Body Temperature, they get what is referred to as ldquo;waking temperaturerdquo; and only gather one data point per day. This requires a strict sleeping schedule and manual data entry each morning, whereas the iFertracker automates this process and gets your temperature at your actual most restful / br / spanWhat does that mean for our users?nbsp;No more worrying about waking up in the middle of the night or not moving a muscle in the mornings so you can get an accurate temp! Stay in bed a little longer. Go get that glass of water at 3am. Snuggle up to your significant other before work. FINALLY, you can sleep in without worrying about ruining your BBT.nbsp;/span/span/p pspanspanMake your wellness rewards work harder for you with eligible Family Planning products./span/span/p pspanstrongWhat comes in the box?/strong/span/p ul lispaniFertracker wearable thermometer (tested safe, battery-powered)/span/li listrong30/strong double-sided adhesive patches,/li lispanstrong(1)/strongnbsp;CR2025 batteries,/span/li lispanstrong(1)/strongnbsp;battery tool,/span/li lispanintuitive user manual/span/li /ul
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