Expiration & Storage Tips
When does Yorkshire Pudding expire?
Yorkshire pudding, when stored properly, has different life expectancies based on its current state. Unopened or freshly homemade Yorkshire pudding can last for 1-2 days at room temperature or up to a week when stored in the fridge. If you've already opened a store-bought pack, it should be consumed within 3-4 days. Yet, the longevity champ is the frozen Yorkshire pudding, which can be stored for up to a month.
How do you tell if Yorkshire Pudding is bad?
Yorkshire Pudding that has gone bad often exhibits a stale smell and a change in texture. It may become overly hard or, conversely, unusually squishy. In addition, look for any discoloration or mold. These are clear signs that your pudding has past its prime and it's time to throw it away.
Tips for storing Yorkshire Pudding to extend shelf life
• Store Yorkshire pudding in a cool, dark place - this is especially true if it's unopened.
• Once the pack has been breached, refrigerate the leftovers. Use a tight-fitting lid or cling wrap to keep air out, since contact with air speeds up the spoilage process.
• If you're looking to freeze your Yorkshire pudding, wrap each piece individually in plastic wrap and then put them all in a zip-top bag. This will prevent freezer burn and keep your pudding tasting fresh.
• Never leave your pudding on the counter for more than two hours. The ‘danger zone’ for bacterial growth in food is between 40F and 140F.
• For the best flavor, try to consume refrigerated Yorkshire pudding within a couple of days, even though it might last longer.