Sincerely Nuts Almonds Brittle, 2 lb Health Benefits Of Almonds 1. Heart Health: According to the Physicians Health Study, monounsaturated fats, which make up 64% of almonds' fat content, help to lower levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein). In addition to lowering harmful cholesterol, almonds also contain high levels of vitamin E that prevent the oxidation of LDL, which in turn reduces the chances of clogged arteries. 2. Rich in Minerals: Almonds provide a recommended daily intake of 49% biotin that helps to metabolize carbohydrates and fats, 27% manganese that boosts energy production, 26% copper that helps in red blood cell formation, and 16% phosphorous that aids in bone development. They also contain good levels of magnesium that is used to regulate blood sugar and prevent hypertension. 3. High Protein Content: One ounce of almonds contains 6g of protein, which is 1/8 of the recommended daily intake. This serving of protein is great at complementing vegetarian and vegan diets, and can help in weight management by increasing satiety. 4. Weight Loss: Only 85-90% of the calories in almonds are absorbed into the body, combining with their metabolic-boosting properties to make the nuts an ideal weight loss snack. Almonds are also rich in fiber, with 3.5g in every ounce that also promotes a feeling of fullness and leads to lower caloric intake during meals.