5.3% ABV American Wheat Ale Crisp with a delicate lemon flavor, slight malt sweetness and subtle peppery spice Medium bodied with slight citrus tartness for a crisp and dry finish Golden, slightly hazy and thirst quenching Bursting with bright, fresh lemon aroma Pairs well with grilled chicken, steamed clams or lemon pepper wings Seasonal rotation available March – August 6 Pack, 12 fluid ounce Bottles Our passion for never settling, and brewing quality, flavorful beers started with our founder, Jim Koch. He brewed the first batch of Boston Lager in his kitchen – a recipe that belonged to his great great grandfather that he found in his father’s attic back in the early 1980’s. Jim had a belief: that beer drinkers deserved a better American Beer option than what was available at the time.