ORANGE EDITION: The smooth taste of triple-distilled Jameson Irish Whiskey, perfectly balanced with notes of zesty Orange flavourENJOY RESPONSIBLY: Each 750 ml bottle of Jameson Orange Irish Whiskey is 60 proof, 30% ABV; Drink ResponsiblyCONSUMPTION TIP: Enjoy with lemon-lime soda and an orange wedge for a refreashing drinkTRIPLE DISTILLED: The smooth taste of triple-distilled Jameson Irish Whiskey, perfectly balanced with refreshing notes of natural orange flavorFLAVOR & NOTES: Fresh, fruity, fragrant orange peel aroma; A balance between citrus & vanilla whiskey; Distinctively orange, with a woodsy finishORIGIN: Product of Ireland, Jameson continues to grow and keep tradition