Ghirardelli Premium 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar
Ghirardelli Premium 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar delivers the ultimate indulgence for your baking recipes. The luxurious flavor and smooth texture of this bittersweet baking chocolate provides a delicious start to your favorite recipes. Add this Ghirardelli chocolate bar to your homemade cakes, brownies, cookies and other baked treats for indulgent results. Made with real vanilla, this bittersweet chocolate bar contains high quality cocoa beans roasted to perfection to create a decadent...
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One (1) 4 oz Ghirardelli Premium 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Bar Ghirardelli baking bar contains high quality ingredients to create a smooth, rich bittersweet chocolate flavor with melt-in-your-mouth indulgence Perfect in any chocolate recipe, including chocolate cakes, fudge and brownies Chocolate for baking made from high quality cocoa beans roasted to perfection with real vanilla Baking chocolate bar is certified kosher