Serving delicious comfort food is easy with Crockpot Hearty Beef Stew Seasoning Mix 1.5 oz packet. Crock Pot's convenient dairy-free seasoning packet has all the right ingredients you love to make a great tasting hearty beef stew. Just a few minutes of prep time, fresh meat and veggies, and this mix creates a healthful, satisfying meal everyone loves. Crock-Pot Mix Seasoning packets are expertly blended for optimum flavor in the temperature and moisture ranges of slow cookers. Less time prepping...
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One 1.5 ounce packet of Crockpot Hearty Beef Stew Seasoning Mix Make a complete meal for the whole family in one dish with easy clean up One seasoning packet makes one family meal or about 9 servings Seasoning by Crock-Pot, The Original Slow Cooker Brand Delicious seasoning mix to create tasty comfort food Easy to prepare and rich in flavor Dairy-free