Cocoa Puffs Chocolate Cereal First Ingredient Whole Grain. A whole grain food is made by using all three parts of the grain. All General Mills Big G cereals contain more whole grain than any other single ingredient. 12g whole grain per serving. At least 48 grams recommended daily. No colors from artificial sources and no artificial flavors. When Cocoa Puffs splashes down in your bowl it turns the milk into an extra slurp-a-licious treat. The Ultimate Chocolatey Experience! The rich taste of this...
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CEREAL: Cocoa Puffs Chocolate Cereal is a delicious breakfast cereal for the entire family to enjoy GREAT TASTE: Delicious Chocolate Crispy Corn Puffs Cereal KIDS SNACK: Cereal kids love with no high fructose corn syrup or colors from artificial sources WHOLE GRAIN: At least 10 grams of whole grain per serving (At least 48 grams recommended daily) CHOCOLATE MILK: High flavor cereal filled with Chocolate that leaves your milk chocolatey and rich Giant Size Cereal; Cold Cereal; Breakfast Cereal; Ready to Eat Cereal; Chocolate Cereal